forget about fundraising
If you want to bootstrap your business, fundraising is not an option. Not now. Not ever.
There’s no in-between. Either you raise or you don’t. Building a real business requires your full attention. If fundraising sits in the back of your mind, even as a fallback option, it will pull your focus away from what matters most.
Free yourself by committing to the bootstrapped path, to revenue. Free yourself from the noise and distractions that consume fundraising founders. And instead, focus entirely on building with the resources you have.
This strengthens your creativity, forces frugality, and deepens your commitment to making things work.
Because fundraising is indeed all-consuming. Founders who fundraise spend their time chasing checks, not building real businesses, or real value. And after all the pitches and promises, the hard work remains ahead.
To build a successful business, you still have to build, ship, and sell. You have to find your way in the market. Serve customers.
Fundraising solves none of that. So why not start there? At the fundamentals. Building, shipping, selling.
You're here because you're curious, because you care. Maybe you're already bootstrapping, or maybe you aspire to. And understandably so. Bootstrapped founders build on their own terms, in their own time, creating something meaningful that's truly theirs.
So erase fundraising from your mind. Pretend it doesn’t exist. Don’t entertain the thought. Fundraising isn’t just unnecessary, it’s a distraction.
I know it seems easier, “If only I had money in the bank.” But you’ll get there, eventually. With money from customers who engage with your business. Because you're actually solving a problem. Because you've built something real.
It’s not easy. You’ll work with your head in the clouds and hands in the dirt for years. But that’s how real businesses are built. From the ground up.
Commit to revenue, focus on the work, forget about fundraising.
Earn your own success—it will be worth everything.