how you spend your time
Busyness is procrastination in disguise. It keeps you moving, but not always forward.
We pack our days with meetings, checklists, rushing from one thing to another. And while it may feel like progress, it's often these things that hinder it. Because none of that moves the needle, not really.
If we want to achieve something, anything, our time must map directly to that. The thing we’re trying to achieve. Everything else is secondary. Feeling busy is not enough. And definitely not the goal.
When you’re doing your own thing, no one will move the needle but you. Often because there is no one else. And if you don’t do the work, it won’t get done. Simple as that.
Building a business means serving customers and solving their problems. It means taking the steps only you can take to make it happen. And that’s where your time should go.
Distractions, meetings, emails, and other priorities, will always pull us away from what matters. Because the pull of busywork is strong, I know.
Breaking free, and breaking habits isn’t easy.
We’re wired to seek the comfort of feeling busy. It feels productive. But it’s rarely real progress. Once we break free, the work that truly matters may finally get done. And with it comes clarity, momentum, and the satisfaction of moving forward.
Audit your time. What activities move the needle for real? Which don’t? What you find may surprise you when you log your time meticulously and evaluate it objectively. As it surprises me when I’m not disciplined.
Then adjust accordingly, and map your activities to the only three buckets that matter: building, shipping, and selling. Ask yourself which one is lagging. You may already know the answer. Focus there.
Time is one of the only things we truly own. Until we don’t. Spend it on what matters most, with people who matter, solving problems that matter.
Don’t stay busy for the sake of it.
Remember, how you spend your time shapes the life you're living.