making moves
Not every move needs a plan. Sometimes the best moves aren't planned at all.
A move doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes it's pure instinct. Spontaneous. Raw intuition.
Take chess, for example.
Most moves follow ancient theory. Until they don't. Until a wild move appears. A move that defies the plan but fits the board. Moves like that can change the game. Because they're unexpected. Unscripted. Unplanned.
The same goes for breakthroughs in science.
Penicillin wasn’t discovered through careful planning. Fleming saw mold growing where it shouldn't. Then leaned in, following his curiosity instead of protocol.
And like this discovery, most moves carry little risk.
Truth is, making moves will rarely break you. Wrong ones you'll recover from, and the right ones, even small ones, can change your life entirely.
Either way, making moves is moving you forward.
The stars won't magically align, so stop waiting. Instead, trust your gut, shoot your shot.
The best moves are right in front of you ready to be made.
Now make them.