success is subjective
It’s easy to fall prey to mainstream thinking and conventional wisdom. To think you need all the things to be “successful.” The car, the house, the diploma, the money. To follow other people's dreams.
But success isn’t one-size-fits-all. There is no single definition. In fact, you get to define yours. Not your family, not your friends, not society.
Don’t blindly chase what other people are after. What they think success looks like. They might be miserable on the inside chasing things with no substances, no meaning.
Press pause.
Spend some time thinking. Contemplate deeply on what matters to you. What has meaning, and what has none.
More is not always better.
Except for more kindness. More gratitude. More patience and self-control. Acceptance of what is.
Rarely will more things be better. Or more money. It just seems that way.
Find peace and freedom in what success means to you. Your very own definition. Because success is subjective. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
You define what success looks like. And no one but you.