zero to ramen
As a bootstrapped founder, your first and most important milestone is ramen: zero to ramen.
Ramen profitability means you generate enough revenue to keep the lights on. You live for another day on your own terms. At least if you live frugally—think instant noodles, not gourmet dinners.
Reaching the ramen stage lets you keep building. And most importantly, it buys you time.
Time to build, time to ship, time to sell. On your own terms, in your own time.
When you reach the ramen stage, you’re alive. You’re self-sustainable, at least for now. And you’re free from the constant pressure of a runway that only gets shorter.
No need to raise money just to stay afloat, unlike founders who depend on their next funding round, again and again.
Once you go from zero to ramen, the infinite runway of a profitable business is within reach. Your reach.
You still have work to do, but now you can think bigger, think long-term. You can start working on the business, not just in it. A shift you can’t make when you’re living day-to-day, barely making ends meet.
Zero to ramen changes that, entirely. Now you earn, and only burn what’s necessary.
Adopt a frugal mindset. Solve problems creatively. Block out the noise.
Don’t splurge. Don’t chase luxury. Don’t try to impress. Don’t buy what you don’t need.
Focus on what matters most, going from zero to ramen first.
From there, the world is yours.
shoutout to paul graham for coining the term ramen profitable back in 2009